What If Your Phone Isn't The Problem?


People seem more addicted to their phones today than ever before, walk down the street with their heads down, bumping into each other. Headphones constant on, blocking out society in exchange for the digital.
But what if the phone was not really the problem?

What if the problem is that we are not filling our lives with things that are more interesting than the content available to us on our phones.
  • What if you were exploring some place new that created such a sense of adventure within you that you didn’t need to stream a show to tell you about new places to visit?
  • Imagine if you were laughing so hard with your friends, you were not tempted to scroll through cat memes to try to get a laugh?
  • What if the food you were preparing and eating with the ones you loved was so delicious, that you forgot to post a food pic to your story altogether.

Our phones are amazing devices that can keep us connected, help us work faster and more efficiently and provide us with unlimited hours of entertainment. They are truly wonderful things, and they are not the problem.
We are the problem.
We have forgotten that there is so much more to life than what can be experienced on a screen.
We have forgotten to invest energy into face to face relationships and real life experiences so that we are loving life so much that we don't need a distraction from it.
Phones are great. But life can be amazing. It's all a matter of where you put your energies.

Thanks for reading this blog. Now put down the phone, and experience something amazing with the ones you love the most.
