My Confession

I just spent the past  7 hrs watching football. I may have painted a jewellery box with my daughter in the middle somewhere, but that part was a blur really.
The blow up hit on the punt tho - crystal clear in my mind
What's worse is that I will wake up tomorrow and watch a PVR'd game of two NBA teams I don't care much about. Then at night I'll be playing pick up ball with 12 other addicts in a local high school gym.
Somewhere I'll try to find time for a run as well.

I'm not sure who leads the NDP party in Ontario, but I do know that Mike Munchak just got let go by the Titans but was quickly interviewed by the Steelers for a staff position.
Right wing and left wing are hard to keep straight in a political sense, but man Vladamir Tarasanko is a killer RW in my fantasy league.
The last two books I read and loved were sports commentaries. And I'll probably re-read them just be sure I digest it all properly.

I really do make time for family/faith/friends, but all the time outside of that is filled with playing watching or talking about men chasing balls and getting points to score victories at play
I'm not one of those guys who cries or yells when my favourite team loses.  Regardless of who wins, there is at least another game to watch tomorrow.   Or there's always ESPN Classic.
  At least it's not one of those two horrible days in July on either side of the MLB all-star game where there are no professional sports on.  Those are dark days for addicts like me. Usually requires a night workout session or something.

There are much worse things to be addicted to, so I guess I'm not in need of any sort of intervention.
I think it goes back to my childhood when I roamed the streets late at night around Brier Park with a baseball bat or a hockey stick hoping to score one last "hit" before calling it a day
I missed my curfew everyday.
I missed out on being a latchkey kid because I just didn't come home.... until the late game came on TV
I never tried drugs or alcohol cause I was too busy chasing down fly balls
I never imagined cheating on my girlfriend - hard  to squeeze in one relationship around the jays Raps, Argos, Argos, Patriots, Michael Chang, and others let alone try to have two relationships.
Had to get good marks or wouldn't be allowed to stay on the team.

Maybe sports is less of an addiction and more of a tool for me.
Yes that's it. Maybe sports is a wonderful life skill that keeps all things in balance.
God bless you sports. Thanks for all you do.

Now what's on ESPN Espanol 2 tonight.
