Real Men


I’ve always been told that real men a big, strong, hairy, powerful wealthy and handsome.
That probably describes less than 1% of us.
So what if what we’ve always been told, has always been wrong?

Some men are strong, and some men are gentle.
Some men fix cars and some fix feelings.
Men can wear the colour blue… or red… or pink.
Each one of these traits should then be considered “manly”, because some men do them.

There are dominant men, and passive men
Introverted and extraverted.
Doctors, nurses, investment bankers and kindergarten teachers.

And we need men in every one of their roles, modelling all of their traits, so we can help break the lie of “what we’ve always been told” Breaking it is critically important, because we have an epidemic of young men who are unable to see who they are as male represented in the world around. They question their gender, create a new identity, and begin to hide the unique and essential parts of who they are as male. All traded in for some lie that most men are not like them.  Many men are, we are just too scared to let people see that part of it (Because men aren’t supposed to be sacred)

I love long shots of black espresso.  But some days I get a skinny vanilla latte
A few weeks ago I ran an iron man race… and then I relaxed in a bubble bath to soothe my muscles.
I lead my family when appropriate, and I submit to wife when she needs to lead because leadership and dominance is not a gender thing.
I can spend hours watching, reading up on, and playing football. And I also can’t wait for Mama Mia sing along.

Men are strong and soft
Tall and short
Direct and kind.
Sometimes all in the same man.

Real men partner with women, we don't try to lord over them or abuse them.
Real men sacrifice for their kids, and friends.
Real men cry, laugh, listen and love.

Our world would be a much happier place if instead of trying to reshape our gender, we reshaped our minds and understood more holistically what it means to be male.
