Would David from the Bible have been A Justin Trudeau/Liberal Supporter?

Full disclosure - I voted Conservative
My brother is a party member.
I work for the church, which is fundamentally positioned against the Liberals.

Yet I was reading my Bible this morning and was convinced that David (The Goliath slayer, the King who built Judah and Israel into a national power, yes that David) would have supported Canadian PM Justin Trudeau.

Now he may not have voted Liberal, but undoubtedly he would have backed his leader once he was in place. It’s shocking to me how many people I come across that are genuinely horrified that Trudeau was elected, especially since so many people evidently voted for him. The Liberals won 184 seats and received 40% of vote. He’s obviously loved by a large percentage of Canadians. He’s charming and win’s people over with his personality and smile. A born leader.

David actually served under quite a similar leader. Saul was the tallest and strongest of his countrymen swept into leadership with overwhelming support from the people, but quickly led the country into a place that they never expected to be. Israel became a divided nation, ten tribes following Saul, 2 following David. David was on the side of right and morality. Saul led the country into a place away from God and chased after his personal kingdom.

Yet in the midst of it all, David was a firm Saul supporter.
He refused to take Saul out when he had the opportunity.
He refused to listen to his friends when they pointed out how Saul was a bad leader.
Even when Saul was killed, David went into mourning, and killed the man who claimed to have finished Saul off when he was already near death.
David seemed to love Saul.

Why would a leader like David, chosen by God to lead, noble and righteous, why would he be such an advocate of Saul?
The answer is in the question. Because he was noble and righteous.

The Liberal bashing does not suit you well Christ follower.
I’m not in love with projected 150 billion debt we are going to add on with the Liberal budget.
I have questions about policies that secure more freedoms for newcomers than they do for churches and those looking to uphold Biblical standards.

Yet if I claim to want to uphold Biblical standards, then support of my leader had better be one of those virtues I fight for.

Support and agreement are two very different things. I may not agree, yet I am 100% behind our Liberal government, I pray they succeed. I hope that as they invest money into the economy, it produces jobs for the middle class. I hope they make education accessible for everyone in our country. I hope we get favour internationally and Mr. Trudeau leads Canada into an era of greatness like we’ve never seen before.

Will it happen? Impossible to know.
It will probably be a lot easier to make it happen if God’s people made it a priority to support and pray for our leader instead of tearing him down.

God help he to be like David. Help me to lead where am I, influence who is around me, and support those in authority over me.
