Don't Let Monday Win

It happened again didn’t it?
After two days of no work, sleeps in and the freedom to choose life, Monday showed up at your door with it’s April ice-rain and threats of 5 more days of 6:00 AM wake-ups, frustrating commutes and no way to escape it.

So don’t let Monday win this time!

Grab Monday by the throat in a choke hold and slam in on the ground, do a little strut around your fallen enemy and then flip your bat like a Dominican who just won a post season baseball series.
Take control of Monday and don’t let it win.
Mondays typically make empty threats. They are paper thin, and if you look closely, you can see right through them.

Monday threatens, “Your job is boring”. So make sure today isn’t boring.” Go out for lunch with a co-worker, and if you can’t do that, share a coffee break with someone and make it fun. Find ways to break from work for even 5 minutes, and chat with someone about the stuff you like, not just the stuff you do for work. Get intentional about inviting moments of enjoyment into your day and prove Monday wrong. Your job isn’t boring; you found a lot of great moments in there.

Monday threatens, “There are 5 whole days before you can have any real fun again”. Again, that simply isn’t true. Why have we limited “fun” to being something that needs large chunks of time? Fun can be had in all kinds of different lengths of time. Shove it in Monday’s face by sneaking in all kinds of fun this week in short bursts. Go see a movie. Plan a short Starbucks date while the kids are in gymnastics for an hour. Stop at your favourite store on the way home from work and buy a new outfit. Live a little before Friday gets here, and show Monday that even weekdays are to be enjoyed.

Monday threatens, “You have to wake up early.” Monday is right on this one. You do have to get up early. But you don’t have to hate it. Own it. Show Monday that you can defeat the morning. Lay out a great breakfast before you go to bed so you have something to look forward to when you wake up. Spend fifteen minutes doing something for yourself before you rush off to work and prove to Monday that the morning isn’t always all that bad.

Monday stares you down and says that this week is going to be like every other week you’ve had, and there’s nothing you can do about it.
We just exposed you Monday. Your pants and down.
Being intentional about a few choices gives you back the power, and take down Monday like the paper tiger it is.
Your week can be different.
Today can be different.
It says it is going to be 20 degrees by next week.

Take that Monday. We win.
