I Support The Right To Gay Marriage... and it's a Sin.

Admittedly I’m a fairly straight laced kind of guy.
I’m a good neighbour, pay my taxes, and eat my veggies.
When I’m mad I say “dang it all to heck” with a really nasty frown.
11:00 is pretty late night. I might push it to midnight every now and then.
I also choose to live my life according to Christian Biblical values.
Don’t lie cheat or steal. (Ex 20: 13-15)
Don’t hold onto hate. ( 1 John 3:15)
Honour your parents. (Leviticus 19:3)
Don’t get drunk. (Eph 5:18)
Live a heterosexual life. (1 Tim 1:10)

A lot has been made in the news this week with gay marriage being made legal in all 50 States, much like it has been for many years here in Ontario where I live. Many church-goers seem to be outraged by the fact that gay people will be afforded the label of “married” like straight people are and be given the same rights. Many feel that this is an attack on marriage and the core of Christianity.

This reaction seems to be more rooted in fear and anger than it does it faith. There are Christians who are fearful of people who believe differently than they do, so they react strongly. There are Christians who are angry that people act differently than how they profess to act, so they lash out in hate.

As a Christian, I have no objection with rights and freedoms being equal for us all. It’s part of what makes our country (and yours America) great. It doesn’t matter where you’re born, what you believe or how you act, we are all given equal rights. When inequality presents itself we get into scary territory.
            - ISIS beheads people because of difference of religion.
            - Charleston burned a church because of differences in skin colour.
            - Christians have made life horrible for gay people because of differences in sexual orientation.

How many lives would have been totally different had people in each of these situations simply had equal respect for their brothers and sisters?

The very words of Jesus declare that he came to declare his love and start relationship with people who live lives that are far from obedient to him, not people that already have a relationship with him. Luke 19:10). The most criticism Jesus endured was that his life was lived among people who didn’t look and act churchy.
I’m not sure why Christians are so offended when people with value systems rooted in something other than the Bible act in ways that are other than Biblical.
At the very least, if we profess to be godly, than we should act godly.
Think what the Bible says about Christians. They will know who we are by our love. (John 13:35)
We will only be forgiven if we can forgive and look past things in people lives at aren’t God honouring. (Mat 6:15).

I have many friends that love Jesus and try to live a life that resembles His. I also have friends and family who don’t. But whether we are actively working out a faith in God or not, there is no lifestyle or life choice that negates us from deserving to be loved and respected by God
Or by me
Or by you.

It’s a hard contradiction for many people to understand, but I believe gay marriage to be an important step for us as a society at the same time I believe gay marriage is sinful act in the eyes of God.
Faith and religion cannot be legislated. A gay couple who are in a loving relationship and are committed to each other should be able to be legally married. It doesn’t mean it was God’s original design or plan for their lives.
Our society is a broken society. We have all kinds of innate feelings and desires that aren’t God honouring.
Just because we act out on these desires, it doesn’t mean we deserve to be hated. Or we are less loved by God. The whole message of Jesus was that sinful people needed to know that God loved them. My sin looks different than your sin. God loves us both.

So yes - let love win.
Let’s stop the hate.
My profile pic isn’t flying rainbow colours, but the sun shines and the rain falls on us all.
The life is a journey to help us all find out way back to God.
