For Anyone Who Has Ever Felt Too Irreligious to Come to Church...

So often, God works completely opposite to how people think He would.

We think that God gets close to people who live the best lives.
Mother Theresa, Billy Graham & MLK and the like.
I was reading the Bible today & saw almost the exact opposite picture.

* Jesus said the person who had the most faith in his day was an Italian solider (Matthew 8:10)
* He held the hand on a prostitute that had been dragged out into the street and said “I don’t judge you.” (John 8:11)
* God’s chosen leader Moses was a murderer, as well as the leader of Exodus (both the movie and in real life)
* Israel’s anointed King David had Bathsheba’s husband knocked off so he could marry her… just before he wrote much of the Bible.
* Even Jesus very own great great great great …. great grandmother was Rahab, the foreigner prostitute.

More often than not it was the already religious that missed out on a relationship with God.
It was the people who recognized that they had no business being near God that actually got close to Him.

For all those who have ever felt too irreligious to come to church, this Christmas might be your time to give God another chance. You might be surprised how interested he is in having a little chat.
