The 9 Commandments. (Sabbath Was Just a Suggestion)

Following God is easy as long as everything we read in the Bible lines up with how we want to live life. It when we read something that is contradictory to how we normally live that gets us all messed up.

Sabbath is a funny thing.
It’s in the 10 commandments so you know it’s a big deal. But a lot confessed Christ followers  find it OK to rationalize why they don’t need to practice it
“I’m doing so many good things that I can’t really stop for a whole day.”
“It’s an Old Testament thing… doesn’t apply to us anymore.”

It's not like we'd feel OK about making those excuses for another one of the 10?
“I killed that guy, but he was kinda working against the church... plus he was annoying. So it’s all good right God? “
Or …
“I know you said that stealing is wrong, but I stole it for church. The Lord had need of it." (Matthew 21:3... look it up. Stealing for Jesus.

I just finished my Sabbath. Every Sunday from noon until Monday at noon I stop work, focus on family, rest, personal time with God. Currently I’m tanned, relaxed, had a Daddy date at a grilled cheese joint with the Hopester, spent 4-5 hrs poolside, had dinner with a friend and feel rested and ready to take on my week. Yet it still seems that every week there is internal struggle from within me that debate whether I should just get a littler work done, or whether I should trust that God knows better than I do, and that violating the commandment of the Sabbath isn’t a great idea. When my 24 hrs of rest is done, I always feel so good and face jobs I need to get done.

Deep down, I trust that the rules and principles in the Bible were given to me to benefit me, not to limit me. Rest is not a punishment, it’s a wonderful gift God gave me to help keep balance and rhythm in my life.

Besides – if I think that I’m that important that things will crumble because I take a 24 hour period off once every 7 days I think I may be a bit disillusioned.

Love to hear how Sabbath has challenged you or become part of your life rhythm.
