Maybe Our Standards are Just Too Low.

"Kids, you tried your best and you failed miserably. The lesson is, never try." H. Simpson
"I thought you came here looking for a challenge. Lisa: Duh! A challenge I could do!" L Simpson
"Aim low, that way it wont hurt as bad if you fail."
Great words of wisdom from my childhood TV viewing.

Truth be told there is a remnant of this thinking found in how we handle challenges today. If something is hard for us, we just don't try to do it. Why bother an attempt if the outcome feels unattainable?

Because its worth the fight.

Our family read Matthew 5:48 this morning.
So then, be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect. (Matthew 5:48 NET)
Hope's response was - "Uh oh"

It's true, perfection seems like a bit much to achieve, but it doesn't mean it's not worth the fight.
In a world where we regularly achieve instant gratification, it seems that a lot of people give up on anything that will require more work than is comfortable.
     - If you ideal role is ten years of hard work away, are you willing to invest a decade to get there?
     - If success will mean repeated failure, and a humble attitude to admit mistakes, will we have the        stamina to stick to it when the future is unclear at best.

3 things I know:
Nothing remarkable has ever been accomplishment without a struggle to believe that that which seemed unattainable could be achieved. The journey of a thousand miles starts with a step.
2) I can do anything through Christ who gives me strength. If Jesus calls me to do it, than really who am I to question myself... or more accurately Him in me.
3) God's perspective is so much more eternal and different than ours. Even if we never get "there"... wherever "there" is for you... on earth, we may just achieve it in heaven.

So go ahead Re-adjust your aim.
Be perfect. Don't settle for anything less.
