I Guess Jenny McCarthy Was Never a Doctor Afterall

Dr. Atkins of the famed "Atkins" diet struggled with heart problems in the years before he died.
The man who said forgo all whole grains and eat bacon wrapped sausage everyday had high cholesterol issues.

Sometimes you just need to say things out loud to realize they don't make sense. Fat people were telling skinny people that the most healthy way to eat was to stop eating all the brown bread and make pork the centrifuge of your diet.
Say it out loud - it doesn't sound right.
If it doesn't sound right, there's probably a good chance it isn't right.
Jenny McCarthy said the best way to help kids with Autism is not treat them, just fed them better. Turns out her kid didn't have Autism.
That phone call you just received about a free cruise is not free, that email from some dude in England wanting to will you 1 million pounds is a scam & people don't get rich starting epicure businesses and giving half their sales to epicure. Epicure gets rich that way. Not you.

If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.

I was considering these thoughts relative to following Jesus.
The best thing about following Christ is that what he asks us to do just makes sense.
* Treat everyone you meet the same way you want to be treated and we'll all be better off. (http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Mt++7:12)
* Don't get divorced and bring brokenness into family life. (http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Exodus+20)
* Lying and stealing will cause you grief. (see above)
* Make sure to take regular breaks and rest in your life. People who are too busy aren't doing life right. (http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Luke+10%3A38-42)

It's not that any of these concepts are easy to follow or always feel good to do.  Sometimes we want to be selfish, or lie to protect ourselves or cheat on our taxes. The Bible isn't full of stuff that always is easy, but it sure is full of stuff that just makes sense.
Say it out loud - you will be happy if you aren't self centered and care about the needs of others.

I love following Jesus. I'm not perfect, but i'm glad it makes sense.

Now I'm off to the Bahamas for a free vacation to enjoy some healthy jerked bacon.
