In The Moment

When is the last time you did one thing, and only one thing.
Not checking your phone.
Not thinking about where you need to stop on your way home or the thing on your to do list.
When was the last time you were truly "in the moment"? Undivided. Focused.

I'm not totally sure that our world allows us to have this kind of single-mindedness anymore, but I almost positive that its difficult to truly do anything great without a commitment to block out distraction and be present with where you are. I find that in the name of efficiency, i trade the speed of multitasking for the excellence of focused dedication. There always seems to be too to do in the time we have to do it. And one more email/text/notification that i need to check as I work, drive, eat dinner etc.

This week i am challenging myself to at al times be present and give attention to the situation that it before me. I'm pretty convinced it will feel odd and prove to be difficult. I'm also quite convinced that the people I'm with and projects and the projects I work on will receive a better version on me than what they are accustomed to.

Should be an interesting week.
