You Have a Perfect Fit… It’s Just Not Here

I remember the year that the Jays signed Roger Clemens to a free agent contract. The jays had just switched their logo to bright red cartoonish bird. They were in the midst of tearing apart the great teams of the early 90’s and had a bunch of stiffs like Brad Fulmer and Charlie Obrien on the team. Then they go out and sign one of the biggest egos and best pitchers in the game. The Rocket came in and had back-to-back cy-young years, but you always got the feeling like he wasn’t really on the team. Sure he pitched here, but it was really only to spite the Red Sox. You just knew that the entire time he was having the conversation in his head that he hoped the Sox were noticing how good he was, thinking about how much they missed him and waiting for a day when he would get another opportunity to stick it to them. All in all, Toronto was never a “fit” for him.

A few other people who never “fit”
* Tom Selleck on friends - it was weird and awkward. Tom is not funny and he looked more like Monica’s dad.
* Sammy Hagar in Van Halen - Eddie and David wanted a spandex-panted rock band, and Sammy just wanted to front line a pop group.
* Doug Gilmour in Montreal - Really Doug? You actually went there?

It’s easy to know when you are in a spot that fits you. Life feels amazing. Everything seems to work. You couldn’t imagine life ever being different. But what happens when you get stuck in a job or relationship or life situation that you just can’t seem to make work?

Each of us is a uniquely created individual with skills, talents and personalities that will cause us to thrive in certain situational, but spin our wheels when we get into foreign environments. While it is not easy to admit, there are times in life when we need to be mature enough to realize that there is an area of our life that needs more than just a little tweaking, what it really needs is a fresh start. While this can be an intimidating under-taking, there are times when it’s really best for everyone involved. People who are out of their element begin to dread their days, and make life for those around them equally un-enjoyable. It’s not that they’re bad people, it’s simply that they have not found their niche.

While starting over might not sound like much fun, consider the alternative.
Would you rather go to a job that you dread everyday because of your role or co-workers, or would you rather bite the bullet, take a small step back for a short time and then spend years in a place where you thrive?

Are you in a relationship with a person who is a decent match with you, but isn’t the perfect partner? Don’t settle for something that is decent. We were created uniquely, and which means there is a unique partner created for us as well. Settling is not an option. While being alone for now might not sound like much fun, it’s a small sacrifice to pay for years of perfection in the future isn’t it?

Don’t be afraid to believe that there is a perfect spot for you.
There is a right job.
There is a right person.
Your life will work out… just don’t settle or be afraid to make the hard change.

Like a band-aid… right off!

If not you might end up like Wayne Gretzky on the Blues, Terrell Owens on the Bills or any other mis-fit fish out of water that wished they waited for what was best rather than settling for less than the ideal.
