Lies to Me

In 1996, 54-40 released a song “Lies to Me”, talking about we’re often better off believing the lies people tell us, rather than knowing their true opinion of who we are.

Could be true. I can’t even count how many times I have “sugar-coated” my opinion of someone to save a feeling or avoid a conflict or two. But what about the lies we tell ourselves? We all have personal logic or a life-script that governs the way we interpret our world. You may believe that we’re they under dog and in most situations you need to work harder to succeed than other do. Maybe you believe that your role is to keep the peace and when those around are in conflict you need to sacrifice yourself for the sake of the common good. Or maybe you feel like you always know best. Certainly there are times when each of us should step up to the front and lead the way, however there are instances when our opinion is best left unspoken and we just go along with the crowd.

Each of us has developed a consistent pattern of thinking, which at times is to our benefit, but can also limit us to our detriment. To get caught in believing than we are never quite as good as others leave us with self-esteem issues. While initially it may cause you to work harder, eventually it leaves you feeling like the world is out to get you. Conversely for those who feel like they are always good enough, it gives you confidence to attempt almost anything, but can also wind up leading to arrogance. I know my personal life script is that of a peacekeeper. I’m only fulfilled when others around me are happy. While this can be a benefit, out of balance it can lead to martyrdom.

So what is your life script? What is the governing principal by which you have learned to interpret the situations you encounter? To know this, is to know the colour of lie that you may be telling yourself. Try doing something today to counter this natural urge of yours and see the world from the opposite point of view.
* If you believe life should be lived by impulse and feeling, try making a schedule today and see what changes.
* If you’re a peacekeeper, send back a meal at a restaurant… just to ruffle a few feathers.
* Leaders follow, and followers speak up for once.
* If you feel like what you do is never good enough, do something once and then leave it. No edits or do-overs allowed today.

As Dr. Leo Marvin said to Bob Wiley - Baby Steps.
