Just Say "No"

Is it your natural reaction to say no?
Personally I blame all the early 90’s anti drug campaigns… remember the song "Say No... go... and tell someone who trust... hyuh!”
But seriously, do you know how many times I’ve had conversations like the following?

“Hey do you want to go away for the weekend? “

“We need a hand on Saturday, are you available?”

“Do you think that you be able too…”
NO (Didn’t even get a chance to finish the freaking question that time)

I am starting to think that our “NO” reflex stems from a deeper issue of how we’re too busy and too self-focused to give credence to the possibly that what YOU are asking ME to do might be better than the stuff I already have planned to do. It seems like we’ve taken the perspective that regardless the questions, I need to be convinced beyond reason to say yes… and most of the time I’ll just say no.

I’m throwing out a personal challenge this week.
Every time you have the urge to say “no” automatically this week, stop and check yourself.
Are you saying no just because it’s your habit.
This make “yes” your natural response, and see what changes.

Let me know how it goes.
