New and Improved Means the Same Thing with a Fancy New Sweater Right?

Does anyone remember the new Coke, or Crystal Pepsi? They took something that already existed, and just tried to make it a little different. Both sucked. I think that line of thinking is kinda skewed as well. Think of the people who have really made a difference in the world. They didn’t take something that already existed and make minor improvements, they tore down the structure, burned up all the rubble and created something new.

If you’re going to present a new idea to the world, don’t dress up an old idea in a fancy new sweater and pretend like you’ve got this fresh innovative way of thinking. If you want to be different, then get beyond what you know and shake it up.
I think it’s time Christianity was presented to the world in a new way. People hear “church” and think of the building.

Churches are not buildings, the word actually means “people who are called out, a body”. Why do all our churches need buildings? Get creative people.
And since when did Christianity get contained by an hour on Sunday mornings. The 76 minutes I spend on the weekend singing songs and hearing a funny message about a verse from the Bible better not be the most important of my faith. In fact if I am living a life connected to others who are “called out” and showing people that God loves them, then I could take or leave a weekly church service experience… especially if it got in the way of acting out on faith.

There seem to be all these new church expressions that try to brand themselves as different and on the edge. It’s cool if you feel called to do what you’re doing, but I think I want to take it to the next level.
I don’t want a crystal Pepsi kind of faith. Bring on the Vanilla/Cherry Dr. Pepper for me.
