The Society that Gave Up Sleep, Food, Friends and Exercise

Adults require 8-10 hours of sleep every night so that our minds and systems can restore and reset themselves the next day.  How much did you get last night?

The highest reported rate of happiness/satisfaction in life is reported by those who have higher amounts of time with friends and loved ones. It produces an increase in the hormone called oxytocin, which helps us feel better about ourselves and others. How many times last week did you say you were too busy to spend time being the with people you love, doing the things you love?

Our diet should and historically has consisted mainly of fresh vegetables and whole grains. Some fruits, and then 2-3 servings of dairy/protein. I'm not 100% certain what food groups diet soda and fast food fit into... but I'm guessing it's not in the "vegetable" section. It really shouldn't be a mystery to us why this generation has epidemics of food allergies and why we see the prevalence of heart diseases and cancers. We've totally changed everything about the way we eat, the kinds of foods we eat, and how much we eat.

We should never be in front of an electronic screen two hours before attempting to sleep.  I'm not even going to point out the irony that you are reading this blog on a screen, likely within a few hrs of lying down for the night.

Our jobs are not too hard, 
Our lives are not given to us as too full.
Our ancestors found time to sleep enough, enjoy friends and family and make healthy meals all the while taking horses to get places and having to grow their own food.

Our society has decided that productivity is more important that sleep.
Choosing fun over work makes us feel guilty.
Proper nutrition is not as importance as convenience when it comes to meals.
We have traded in our health for the sake of doing "more".

And what is this "more" that we are doing?
3 hours commute days
65 hour work weeks.
TV binge-watching.
Bigger meals, with more fats, calories and sugars made by someone else.

The reason we all feel so stressed and tired is that we’ve given up taking care of ourselves they way we did for 6000 years as a human race.  We've abandoned the essential things for health and tried to use quicker substitutes or neglect them altogether. Somewhere along the line we decided that we were "better" than our ancestors, and no longer require the kind of self care that humans have always practiced.

You probably can’t change everything all at once, but you can absolutely make a singular change.
Go to bed tonight instead of pushing up past midnight.
Eat a meal with your coworkers or family rather than grabbing a burger on the road.
Walk the dog with a friend.
Put down the iPhone and give your spouse a back rub.

Rest is not a sign of weakness, nor is social connection selfish.
Take some time to invest in making yourself a little healthier this week.
