If distance makes the heart grow fonder, shouldn’t we all take a break from each other?

If distance makes the heart grow fonder, shouldn’t we all take a break from each other?
The further we are away from a person or a memory, the more rosy it seems to become.

I remember the 1992 Blue Jays as a powerhouse team that couldn’t be touched and won the world Series. Not like this homerun happy strike out machine version of the 2014 team that is blowing up in front of us daily.
I looked it up this morning.- That 1992 team went 14-16 in August.

I remember the first time I kissed my girlfriend Amanda. We exited an event, sprinted through a rainstorm to my parents van, escaping raindrops and the presence of others. Still wet, but alone,
we kissed in the dark. A perfect storybook kind of moment.
In my memory I don’t recall the lack of ambiance afforded by the carpet-lined Ford Econoline or the degree of awkwardness and uncomfortable that only teenagers in love experience. I just remember the kiss.

I miss my sister all the much more since she became a cornhusker in Nebraska. I think how fun it would be if we lived even relatively near each other. How much we could hang out and have fun. I tend to forget that even when we shared the same house we sometimes would only pass as we came and went to jobs, friends and life. How our similar personalities could make us annoyed at each other quite quickly, so we would need time apart.

It’s funny how we’re so willing to look past the struggles of a situation or relationship when we are far enough removed from it. Makes me wonder what things I am making a big deal about today, really aren’t that big of a deal and I’ll remember them no more 10 years down the road.

Makes me want to give up the fight.
Makes me want to stop the nit picking.
Makes me learn to appreciate what I have while it’s close and touchable, rather than have to wait until it’s a far away memory.
