Your Inner Circle

If Lebron James had been drafted by the Lakers, he might have 2 or 3 NBA Championships by now. Instead the Cavs took him, and he is desperately trying to lead Moe Williams, Anthony Parker and a bunch of other misfits to basketball glory.

If Steve Jobs had put his money into ICON computers rather than partnering with Steve Wozniak, right now he might be Steve Jobless rather than leading Apple as well as being the founder of Disney Pixar.
The people closest to us have a large part to play in how high we rise, or how low we fall.

While everybody has personal skills that can put them in a place to succeed, ultimately it is the people around you that will put you over the top. Those closest to you can be your greatest encouragers. They have the ability to push you to achieve new heights. They will give you wise counsel when you take a misstep and might even help pick you up after you fall.

Conversely if you surround yourself with the wrong people it can leave you stagnant. Friends have the strangest ability to pull you away from what you really ought to be doing. Even the strongest of us need a hand to lean on from time to time.

Batman is a super-strong scientist… but he lets that weird kid in green tights and a mask hang around. Saved his butt a few times if I remember correctly.
Hercules always seemed to keep Newton close by, and who knows what a “Newton” is?

Who are the people that are closest to you?
Are they pushing you forward, or dragging you down?
Are they the kind of people who you want around you when you reach the top, or are they the kind of people who are just sitting around waiting for failure so they can make a few sarcastic jokes about it all.

Looks like Lebron is going down again this year… maybe even to Vince Carter who turned into a quitter in T.O. but in a better situation might lead Orlando over Kobe.
Jamarcus Russell might get another shot somewhere else outside of Oakland. Even Randy Moss choked in that black hole.

So don’t just give away places in your “inner-circle” to any creepy kid wearing green tights calling himself the boy wonder.
The people around you make a difference on how high you’ll get in this life.
