Go M.A.D.

Do you ever wish that your life made a difference in the lives of other people?

Some days I live just for me. I get up, eat my oatmeal crisp, watch a lot of sports, go for a run, and hang out with Karlo.

But most of the time I want to be someone who makes a difference. I want my friends to feel like our relationship helps them with their life. I want my church to feel like they are growing closer to God as we journey together though life and ministry. I want my wife to feel like she is the most important person in the world.

I think we all have that ability; we just seem to forget to live this way sometimes. I feel we all have something unique to offer anyone and everyone we meet. The key is to find our "voice" in the world, and start top speak. Once we accept who we are... in all our uniqueness with our individual quirks and deficiencies, then we can really start to impact those around us. Once I really live like me, my life matters.

Today I am going to encourage everyone I meet. I am going to volunteer at our local community centre to help ref roller hockey. I'm going to hang out with my brother, and spend some time mentoring a young adult. What's more I'm not going to care that I didn't spend enough time at the office, nor did I ponder the future of youth ministry. I will be me today, and my life will matter more because of it.

Don't be afraid to be you today either
