I Only Hate "Hate"

I only hate hate.
50 dead in Orlando. An attack on an LGBTQ bar after a shooter was turned off by the site of two girls kissing.
Race riots in Ferguson Missouri after the killing of a black man by a white police officer.
130 killed by ISIS in Paris, and 3000 dead after 9/11 as Muslim extremists attempt to rid the world infidels.

Hate is responsible for so much evil.
As a Christ follower I need to remember that we only win with love.

As a Christian I don’t hate Muslim’s. I respect their devotion and pray that they are able to establish a deep relationship with God, creator of the world.
As a straight man I don’t hate homosexuals. Our difference in sexual orientation is no reason to separate us as human beings.
My white skin does not mean that I need to fear and work against people whose skin colour is different than mine, and whose culture is unfamiliar. Instead multiculturalism enriches my life. Introduces me to ways of thinking, new perspectives, and of course wonderful new tastes I would have otherwise been ignorant to.
Far be it from me to ever judge another person’s life, knowing that if every part of my life (thoughts, deeds, motives) were revealed I would be worthy of hate for my own shortcomings.

I have no reason to hate.

The love I have been shown compels me to love the same.
