Everyday Heroes

Everyone loves a superhero. We love movies about Spiderman and Captain America.
We love real life superheroes who fight fires and save lives.
We grow up dreaming of being superheroes that will fly to the moon and change the world.

Then real life happens.

We work office jobs and spend much less time saving the world than we had hoped.
Our days are spent chasing after our kids, keeping up on our house chores and trying to make sure we don’t max out our credit cards. Not exactly the stuff Iron Man experiences day to day.

But what if superheroes didn’t have to save the world?
What if we changed our understanding of what if means to be a superhero, and saw that sometimes heroes don’t change everyone’s life, but they do change one life?

Very few of us will ever make a decision that will alter the future for thousands, yet every one of us has the opportunity to go and change the life of one person.
We can’t stop world hunger, but we can give a meal to a hungry person.
We can’t cure depression, but we can encourage a person who is struggling with their mental health.
You can’t necessarily impact the whole world, but you can absolutely change one person’s world.

Maybe real life super heroes look less like they do in the movies, and look more like a person who makes intentional decisions so that the lives of others are benefited.
Each of is surrounded with people who are desperately waiting for a hero to intervene into their world, and do for them what they can’t do for themselves.
Kids who need parents’.
Spouses who need a second chance from us
Friends who need us to see the best in them, rather than focusing on their failings.
People at work who just need an opportunity to prove themselves.
We can get so wrapped in looking for the big bold hero opportunity that we miss the regular everyday opportunity to be a hero to that “one”, to whom we could truly make a difference.

Who is the "one" in your life that needs you to be their hero?
You may never get the chance to be Batman and save Gotham, but by making one choice today, you can still be that hero.

To hear more about this, listen to the “Everyday Hero” message from Rick spoken at PORTICO on Sunday June 5th, 2015
