I'm Pretty Sure The Bible Says That's Wrong

God made really clear for us the bar which we are supposed to live by.
There’s this best selling book called the Bible that tends to be pretty blunt about the “do’s” and “don’ts”

It says love God more than anything else.
Treat people the way you want to be treated.
Don’t lie, cheat or steal.
Don’t get drunk.
Sex is designed for husbands and wives. It works perfectly in this relationship. Outside of it leads to hurt.
Don’t talk negatively about people or spread rumours.
Serve your boss and parents well.
Remember to take regular rest times. Being a workaholic is just wrong.
(Rick Carrol Translation… RCV, 2014)

There’s a few more things, but you get the gist of it.
Anyone who is a Christ follower has chosen to live by this code. We aren’t perfect. In fact God knew we’d mess up quite consistently so he had a back up plan.

What’s funny to me is that it often seems so hard for us to admit when we’re in the wrong.
Why can’t we look close friends in the eye and go, “Dude – your sleeping with your girlfriend. I’m pretty sure God said don’t do that.”
“When was the last time you took a break? Isn’t a rest day one of the 10 commandments?”
“Are you drunk? Doesn’t the Bible talk pretty extensively about how that’s bad?”

Seems like something we could be doing.
Should be doing.
Why is accountability in the church so awkward?

I guess we don’t want to be labeled judgey or boring.
Judgey and boring still sounds better than sinful.
Accountability can be a good thing. I get the sense that if we were humble enough to let those closest to us speak truth, we may come closer to reaching that bar.
