When Sex Became Casual

The concept of casual sex is such an oxymoron. Sex is probably the least casual thing two human beings can do with each other. It’s the joining together of two entire beings; our bodies, soul, spirit… everything. Conversation can be casual. So can Yahtzhee. Sex – not so much.

The thought that sex is a natural thing for any two people that feel in love gets us into so much trouble.

Two people that have slept together and then broken up forever have awkwardness between them. A portion of their heart hardens, and sadly they have less to offer their next partner.

But our society continually points us towards an end where having sex is OK as long as we feel in love with someone.

We permission people (both young and old, teenagers and adults) to sleep with a person if it feels like the next step in the relationship.

The problem is that love is not just a feeling of attraction.
Love is commitment
Love is sacrifice.

Real love is never ending, always forgiving, always seeking our partners best interest.

Sex was designed to be reserved for one person that we would forever be joined with. Our souls tied together, so that we would share hurt, joy, pain and passion.

You don’t get that by the third date.

Sex isn’t causal and isn’t just 15 minutes of pleasure.

This week at PORTICO Milton we’ll look a little more at what the Bible, specifically the book of Proverbs says about good boundaries for healthy sexuality.

Love to see you there or if you miss it download the podcast
