Sweaters in the Summer

We live in an artificial society.
We eat strawberries in February that are 8 inches in diameter. Just where were those picked? I highly doubt it’s in my snow covered province.
I wear a sweater in my office all summer long because the AC keeps it “climate controlled” – slightly colder than it is all winter.
I have no idea what most women I know actually look like because their appearance is clouded with hair dye, make up and jewelry.

We try to control all the details so everything is as perfect as possible.
I don’t think we were designed to live this way.

If we’re tired we should sleep – not take more caffeine.
If we’re stressed out we don’t need more counseling or training on how to deal with an overloaded schedule. We need to do less.
We should eat apples in the fall, berries in the spring and watermelon in the summer.

Our lives were designed for seasons. Season of growth, life, flourishing… and then death.
We were meant to embrace the ups and downs. Youth and aging.
Work and rest.

I wonder if the lack of resilience we see in this generation has anything to do with a society that constantly manipulates details for personal preference.
What would life be like if we just lived and met each day as it was presented to us, rather than approaching each day like a puzzle to be solved, or a task to be conquered.
