Just Own It

Just Own It.

 Sometimes after a work-out I stare at myself in the mirror a little too long. My muscles look a little bigger than they are because they are stressed and it inflates my ego. I feel a little silly doing it, but hey, who can’t use a little tire pumping from time to time.

Each of us has little things that we do that we’d rather the world wouldn’t know. Or there are beliefs we have that we really don’t like to admit we have. In fact we fear that if people really knew who we were and what we believed they would laugh, or like us less. These fears find their peak in adolescence/young-adulthood where we go to great lengths to ensure that we fit in and are well liked. Approval from other people starts to mean a whole lot more to us than it should.

The other on my drive home from work I had One Direction blasting from the radio. That day I had the very unique mix of Beyonce, Maroon 5, JT, Carrie Underwood, the Offspring and Chris Tomlin on my playlist.

The question is, why are we so afraid to own the little oddities that actually make us the unique person that we are. Verbally we praise uniqueness, but everything about us screams conformity. Wearing clothes that cost ½ the price and look the exact same are sadly not as satisfying as wearing the one that has the label on it. I get nervous in conversations about movies or actors and have this sense of relief when I know what people are talking about. Somehow I feel more relevant when I know about the “stuff” that other people think is cool. We feign interest in things, or admit to liking things just because our society tells us that it is good to behave this way.

I took a new job partially because I have a bit of a super-hero complex and feel like I need to be one of the one’s “save” kids from the tough stuff of life.

So what are things about you that really make you the person you are; the core beliefs you have that govern your decision making or the little quirks that endear you to people? Human beings are hard wired with a tendency to hide these things from people in order to protect themselves. However our lives will always feel conflicted until we are able to own them, be ok with them, and start to reveal them. It’s exhausting pretending to be someone that you are not, and liberating to just be yourself and be ok with that.

I like the CFL and MLB doubleheaders more than the NBA or NHL. I also know the names of too many DB’s or OLB’s in AFC south. I might be a little addicted to the NFL.

Love to hear your thoughts... and a few things that not everyone knows about you.
