Life is Really Not That Short

Have you ever tried to pass 5 minutes without doing anything?

Try staring at the clock for 5 full rotations of 60 seconds.

It’s an eternity.

People commonly say that life is so short and they worry about their years passing before them uncontrollably. My dad and I had great chat this afternoon about how one day you just wake up and can’t believe how old you are. Yet most days I seem to feel the complete opposite. I spent a few moments looking back and considering the drastic shifts of life that I have taken over the years.

- Just 12 months ago I was childless and preparing to lead a trip to Nicaragua to run soccer camps. That feels like a very long time ago kids can do that I suppose).

- 6 years ago I was selling my house in London and moving to the big scary GTA. Today I can’t imagine life outside of Mississauga. It’s my home and has become apart of who I am.

- A few years before that I was a single guy living in a condo in Walkerton preparing to marry my high school girlfriend. I ate a lot of pogo’s and was 8 or 10 pants sixes larger than I am today.

Could you really imagine waking up tomorrow and stepping into the life you led 5 years ago? Maybe even two years ago? I wouldn’t even know how to go about my days if I stepped into the world of Rick Carrol circa 2005. And even since then I've been to Europe, South America, ran a triathlon and learned how to do home repair. In fact in the past 10-15 years I have reinvented myself 5 or 6 times. Each phase of life has been fun and exciting, yet truly unique and of itself. Each of us possesses the ability to turn around any area of our lives that we wish and it really doesn’t take that long. It’s really a matter of how we choose to spend the minutes of our days.

If we get out of our comfort zones and take some of the opportunities that life presents to us, there’s no telling what our tomorrow may look like or how long that season might last. If we could simply learn to enjoy each twist for what it has to offer and then dive in head first when the next turn comes, we will not only experience a full life, but one that seems to be never ending and ever satisfying.
